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On May 15th, 2019, Amber was left in a box on the steps of Jefferson Animal Hospital with another rabbit named Christian (who has since been adopted by a wonderful family!) The doctors and staff took the rabbits in and contacted LIRRG. Amber arrived to us tiny, thin and shy. 

In late June, one of our regular volunteers noticed a white spot in Amber’s right eye. When Amber came into our care her eye was completely clear — eye problems in rabbits come up fast and are very common. It’s so important to have your rabbit see a rabbit-savvy veterinarian at the first sign of illness. Immediate action saves lives. We were able to get Amber in quickly to see the doctors at Catnip & Carrots who determined that Amber needed to see a specialist. She had pus in her eye and in cases like this, the pus will invade the eye and eventually need to be removed. 

After seeing an Ophthalmologist it was determined that she already has no sight in her right eye. Her doctor says that the iris in both eyes are inflamed and she can’t see well. Additionally, she has a cataract and a lens abscess in her right eye. After much thought we decided that the best decision for Amber was to have her right eye removed. 

Amber had her eye removal surgery in September and made it through the surgery just fine. Her doctors are sending out a biopsy for the eye to see if anything else is going on. The pressure in her other eye is fine for now but needs daily eye drops and ointment. Amber has a great spirit and doesn’t seem to let all she has been through phase her. Volunteers describe her as sweet, resilient and strong!

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