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An update from Sally’s foster mom!

Sally the sanctuary bunny wishes to give everyone a huge thank you for donating towards her care. She was very happy to come home last night and to see the familiar sights and sounds in the bunny room. She was happy for her familiar litter pan!

Sally had a long difficult bout of stasis and respiratory issues. Sally was found abandoned over a year ago. We suspect she was used for breeding and then abandoned. She was picked up by Animal Control, and brought to Brookhaven Animal Shelter, then thanks to the keen assessment skills and caring of volunteer Lauren, Animal Control brought her to me that night cause she looked like she wouldn’t make it through the night. Dr. Saver of Catnip and Carrots Veterinary Hospital got on the phone with me and told me what to do as she was grinding her teeth in pain, had little fur on her head due to parasites, was is stasis and had sore hocks.

Over the course of caring for her the past year, we have found her to have syphilis, an enlarged heart, a healed fracture of the spine and back leg, a small abscess on her jaw, multiple issues with eye infections. When I received her she was 2.2 pounds and starving. She is now 3.2 pounds, is well loved and cared for. And, any volunteer who has been to my house will tell you she is the sweetest little snuggle bun who loves to be held and tooth purrs when you pet her. Again, much thanks to all of you who have helped in some way to make Sally’s life better.

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