Foster a Rabbit

Long Island Rabbit Rescue Group (LIRRG) can only rescue rabbits if there are indoor-only foster spaces for them. LIRRG always needs more local, long-term foster homes as our current foster space is always full. Help us save the lives of rabbits by giving them a place to go after being rescued.
- LIRRG chooses the rabbit you foster.
- LIRRG can lend supplies and provide food. Some foster families choose to provide food themselves.
- Foster families help transport the rabbit to meet potential adopters or facilitate pickup/drop off with a volunteer.
- Foster families sign a contract, affirming that they will provide love and care for the duration of the fostering commitment.
We do a phone screening to see if you and your family are a good fit for fostering and a home visit to give advice on space and general rabbit care tips.
To apply to volunteer as a foster family, fill out the form below.