How to place your rabbit on heat
It is advantageous for you to have some type of heating mechanism on hand for your rabbit.
How you set up the heating pad will depend on the type of heating you have–see below for details by type. The bunny will go inside the carrier. Drape a blanket over it, leaving the front uncovered. This will create a little hot box to warm them up.
Tip: Water is not needed in the carrier but you may want to place a few favorite snacks in the front of the carrier, that way if your rabbit starts to nibble their temperature is likely normal and you can take them off heat.
Heating Options

Human Heating Pad
Most new models turn off automatically in 20 minutes. Make sure your heating pad doesn’t have an automatic turn off mechanism. Place heating pad inside of a carrier set to low, and put a light blanket or towel on top of the heating pad. If your type of heating pad does not have high-low options, make sure to place it underneath the carrier rather than inside.

Snuggle Safe
Microwave the snuggle safe between 4-5 minutes. Make sure you place the snuggle safe cover over it and place in carrier with a towel over that. You’ll need to reheat this type of heating pad every 2-3 hours.

Hot Water Bottle
Wrap in a towel and place inside the carrier.

Water Bottles
Place hot water (not boiling) in a bottle and wrap a towel around it, place inside the carrier.

Place heating pad inside of a carrier, and put a light blanket or towel on top of the heating pad.