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New Rescue Paddington

Warning: Graphic and Sad… but Happy Ending in the works!

On Thursday, our colleagues at Volunteers for Wildlife- Wildlife Hospital & Education Center received a call on their wildlife hotline. The caller found a rabbit last month in her yard in Nassau Country. She scooped him up immediately. She has been trying her best to provide for him while looking for a home for him, but she has fallen on very tough times and was out of money to buy him food. VFW reached out to LIRRG and we teamed up to at least get food to this rabbit…

Through some shuffling, we secured a foster space and volunteer Lauren picked up this rabbit on Friday, now dubbed Paddington, and he became a LIRRG bunny.

Lauren writes: “Upon arriving at his finder’s home, I walked across the room of this home and laid eyes on Paddington in his empty cage and immediately began to cry. From across the room, he resembled a guinea pig. I got closer and saw his ears were clearly cut straight across his head. This rabbit has been through hell and back and the first thing he did when I put my hand in the cage was put his head down for pets… Thanks to this incredible group, Paddington will never have to be afraid, cold or hungry again.”

Please send your good thoughts and if you are able, please consider a donation towards his care. Paddington’s medical care and neutering will costs hundreds of dollars and we need you to help give him the life he so deserves!

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